It’s a good idea to explore your options when buying insurance. That means getting insurance quotes from more than one provider. However, did you know that these quotes are only valid for a limited amount of time? It’s true. So, how long are insurance quotes good for? Understanding this gives you a basic timeline for making your insurance-buying decision.
There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to insurance quotes. However, most providers prefer to make quotes available for a limited amount of time. Many things can change over time. For this reason, most insurance quotes are only valid for 30 days. Arnold Insurance quotes, for example, are valid for 30 days. What this means for you, as the consumer, is that the quote we provide, including coverage terms and costs, is guaranteed to remain the same for that 30-day window of time. If you are unable to make a buying decision within the 30-day timeframe, you may experience changes in coverage terms or costs.
It is important to review insurance quotes carefully to make sure you’re making an accurate comparison. They involve much more information than the mere costs of coverage. These are a few of the key details you’ll find in your insurance quote.
The better you understand the details about your coverage, the better prepared you are to make “apples-to-apples” comparisons of offers from other insurance providers.
This is the total cost of your insurance policy, including the taxes and fees. Some providers allow consumers the convenience of monthly insurance payments rather than six-month premiums. Make sure you note any convenience fees that may be charged for this service.
Insurance is a shared risk endeavor. Insurance providers believe that the larger your stake (or financial exposure) in an accident, the greater care you will take in avoiding them. The deductible is your portion of the risk. One way you can save money on your insurance premium is by reducing your deductible. However, if you have an accident or make a claim, you are responsible to pay the deductible for the insurance kicks in. For this reason, your deductible amount needs to be one you can reasonably afford.
Many insurance providers offer a range of discounts to drivers for things like safe driving, having no accidents, bundling policies, etc. These will be included in your insurance quotes so you have an idea of what the costs will be without these discounts as well.
There are some events, risks, and perils that are specifically excluded from coverage. These will be listed within the exclusions on your policy. Different policies will have different exclusions. Common exclusions include things like earthquakes, civil unrest, and acts of war. Some policies exclude personal property in your vehicle. It’s important to understand exclusions and consider the risks these exclusions present for you before choosing a policy.
These terms and conditions include important details about your policy including how long the policy is in effect, your renewal options, and other key information.
Arnold Insurance understands the importance of understanding your options and making informed decisions when it comes to purchasing insurance.
That is why we offer a 30-day window. We believe that 30 days offers you plenty of time to review the details and ask any questions you may have about the protection offered and seek out options for additional protection you may feel you require.
We are always happy to help you sort out the details so you can make an insurance-buying decision that satisfies your personal needs and your level of risk tolerance.